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Monday, May 27th

Pick one of the links/articles.  - If you missed the online class, select an article that has not already been claimed. 

Read it and make notes so that you can share the following information with your classmates:

  • What is this article about? 

  • Key points? 

  • Something that you learned that surprised you, and why? 

  • What actions will you now do because of reading this article in reference to your own Visual  journal?

You will share this information with your classmates in a discussion, be prepared for Q/a


  1. Redefining Visual Practice

  2. What is the point? - Michelle

  3. The unthinkable mind - Tori

  4. Visual journaling as practice - Curtis

  5. journal as self study - Emily

  6. How I learned to swim - Hailey

  7. Using Visual Journals

  8. Journal Fodder Junkies - Amelia

  9. Four Ways

  10. Five Reasons - Faith

  11. Beans Meanz - Michael

  12. Data visualization

  13. Drawing as a sacred activity - Taylor

May 28th - Benefits of Doodling

these are reference materials - we will work in class. 




Work in class 10 pts. 



May 28th - How and why artist use and keep sketchbooks. 

We will watch the links in class and experiment with materials. 


The unexpected gypsy

Eric Scott - from Journal Fodder Junkies

Filling a Journal page 



June 3rd -  How to be an Explorer

Read:  How to be an Explorer of the World


We will experiment with mini-books 

so you can add these to your journals. 


Gypsy Wagon Book

Accordian Book



Work in class 10 pts. 


June 4th -  Healing & Meditation

We will experiment with making mandalas

so you can add these to your journals. 


Mandala handout

Video Instructions

Work in class 10 pts.

Places to visit in Florence: 



June 10th -  art of the region

Pick and research one word: be prepared to share the meaning and identify it in the demo. 

  • Ebru

  • Suminagashi

  • Marmorizzazione

  • Papiermarbre

  • Carrageenan

  • Alum

  • rake/come/sumi brush

  • Stones/Stone patterns

  • Gelgit pattern

  • nonpareil pattern

  • flower pattern 

We will marble paper. 

Work in class 10 pts. 


June 11th -  art of the region

READ:  Calligraphy

using the worksheets in class and the reading we will work on using calligraphy - and identifying how and where one can use it in a visual journal


extra tutorials  check here if you need more practice/guidance

June 12th -  Chop

What is a Chop

How to design a chop

Using materials in class - make a chop, 


use it in your visual journal, or make a page of everyone's chop. â€‹

June 17th - Outside -

What is drawing in situ, or in plein air? 

we will meet in the class room then venture out. 

June 18th - Cyanotypes

we will meet in the class room and discuss the process, requirements, 

be sure to bring an extra bag to collect artifacts in. 

then we will make some Cyanotypes. 

These can be cut and pasted into your journals

June 19th - In class work day - lets start wrapping things up 

June 20th - In class work day - lets start wrapping things up 

How to finish up your journals, what's required, what is being grade, etc.  

Finish filling pages.  Use the Journal Prompts to reflect if you have no idea what to write about. 


Your Final Assignment

  1. Complete the Self-assessment 

  2. scan your  WHOLE sketchbook and create a digital book,  100 pts

    1. there are many ways to do this., you can take a picture of each page, use an app that takes pictures and saves them as pdf, use a scanner.  

    2. Once you have all of the pictures combine them into one file: here is one tutorial. or if you have access to adobe acrobat.  

    3. email your final pdf makes sure your name is in the file name like J Evans visual journal.pdf and email it to - if your file is too big, please save it to google and share the file with me. 

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