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Online prior to departure - 

We will meet online to discuss further what exactly you are making... . And review the Syllabus,  prepare questions as you shop for your supplies. Before leaving for Italy you should have your concept map complete, Maybe printout some extra pictures of inspiration for you to include in your making.  I will share and post some videos of our planned project in the next online meeting. 

Please read ART MATTERS , Elements of Art and Principles of Design 

You need to know the difference between the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. 

Week 1 (May 27, 28, 29) - artist references

In class we will discuss the timeline (look at the chart on the wall).  We will review how to research.  You will discuss your choices and work on researching artists, adding them to your sketchbooks, doing sketches, Identifying elements of art and principles of design, and annotating reflections and decisions.  All work should be completed in class. This video shares would you should be doing. 

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Week 2 (June 3 & 4) -ideas and research

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This week we are linking your idea map, artist references and doing a bit of sketching to identify how the artists would have interpreted your idea in their style/media/setting.  You will need to do some sketching and annotating in your sketchbook.  Hopefully this helps give you an idea of how to record your ideas. 

Week 3 (June 10, 11, & 12) -experimenting w/ media

This week we are taking the research we did and applying and testing different media. - This could get messy.  You will be testing media, in and outside of your sketchbook and annotating what works, what doesn't, what you like what you don't like, etc.  The media you use will be what you bring as well as some extras that I have. Another way to annotate, Lynda's way... 

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Week 4 (June 17, 18, 19, 29)
-artwork ideas  & readings

Every day we will discuss a reading so please read:  (heads up - if no one reads or participates in the discussion you will be writing summary essays and turning them in for a grade).

After our discussions you will have time to work on your sketchbooks, moving forward,  Pick three of your ideas, media choices, artistic influences and make 3 small samples of what your final artwork could be.  These should be complete, with quality craftsman ship. 

Week 4 (no classes) -putting it all together at home

You have two assignments. 

  1. Create your final artwork - 40 pts

    1. this does not need to be huge, think the size of a sheet of paper

      1. add this to your sketchbook

    2. write your artist statement, 

      1. add this to your sketch book 

    3. complete your self - evaluation

      1. add this to your sketchbook

  2. scan your  WHOLE sketchbook and create a digital book,  10 pts

    1. there are many ways to do this., you can take a picture of each page, use an app that takes pictures and saves them as pdf, use a scanner.  

    2. Once you have all of the pictures combine them into one file: here is one tutorial. or if you have access to adobe acrobat.  make sure you include your final artwork and your artist statement.  

    3. email your final pdf makes sure your name is in the file name like J Evans sketchbook.pdf  and email it to - if your file is too big, please save it to google and share the file with me. 

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